Mobile technology and libraries

Sue Palomares

Mobile technology is technology that goes where you the user goes.  This technology consists of two communication devices, the computing and the networking technology that connects them.  This enables mobile devices to share all applications.  Mobile technology is fast becoming the preferred method for connecting to the Internet, especially for people on the go. Librarians must keep pace with this trend and integrate themselves into the mobile realm if they wish to deliver enhanced user services. Mobile technology and libraries is a practical, easy-to-follow new resource that will walk you through the start-to-finish steps for strengthening your library's mobile presence. In the article Mobile Technology Advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology, “Mobile technology is indispensable in the modern workplace. Due to its versatility, it offers a range of benefits, but also comes with considerable risks to the business.”  It tells us that we need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology. For example some of the advantages of technology are efficient and productive staff, the ability to communicate in and out of work, and improve work capabilities.  Some of the disadvantages are that devices need to be updated, which can become costly, It can also be a distraction that can disrupt productivity and there is also the security risk of data being exposed.  

Mobile technology. Advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology. (n.d.). 


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