Total Pageviews : Sue Palomares

I added the Pageview gadget to my blog. Pageview is designed to count the number of times a Web page has been loaded into a browser. A pageview is a standard unit of measure that equals one single person loading one single web page.

How Many Pageviews Do Popular Websites Get? Here are some examples of what some popular websites get:

                Google 223 million per month

                     Youtube        194 million per month

                     Facebook      130 million per month

                     Twitter      85 million per month

                     Amazon     83 million per month


Pageviews are a good way to see how many people are looking at your blogs and what comments are being posted for you.  We currently have 351 previews. We have created a fresh angle, new information in a unique way to inform us about our LT 130 Assistive Technology blog.



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